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Professional Mckenzie friend Chris James Coutanche and associates 

Professional Support In High Conflict Child Custody Cases And Domestic Violence Allegations 

And Finding Of Fact Hearings

The UK's Leading Low-Cost Family Court Support 



Contact 07878 89 60 44


I can help support you with all aspects of family law disputes, with experience of over 26 years in some of the most complex family law cases relating to Children in public and private law proceedings with over 5000 cases resolved. Considered one of the most experienced Mckenzie friends in the UK.



Expert Low-Cost Support For Your Family Court Hearing, Without Any Compromise, Highly Effective And Successful

Free initial advice to help you with costs and how I can help you. 


  • Help and support Litigants in person without a solicitor.
  • Court application forms.
  • Responding to legal requirements and procedures.  
  • Help with statements and Court files.
  • Help at family court hearings Including Finding Of Facts Cases


Helping in Achieving a remarkable landmark judgment in the supreme court London see the link below


Child arrangements applications.

Grandparents' applications. 

Enforcement of court orders .

Specific issues and prohibited steps orders.

Removal from jurisdiction and hague convenction                   

Non-molestation and occupation orders.

Child Abduction High Court Cases.

Public law cases.

child adoption.




Assured Trusted Support

I believe that McKenzie friends that give poor advice should hold some responsibility. With my approach financial gain is not the prime objective, every effort will be  made to help you achieve a satisfactory outcome.


No other service provides a commitment to protect your costs

No fee is charged for a final hearing unless you succeed with a reasonable outcome.


Helping parents in child arrangements disputes and domestic abuse cases and keeping your child safe, maintaining and re-establish contact after separation, for you to have support in court when you cannot afford a solicitor and the substantial costs, I can help you overcome the problems that most parents find without having access to legal aid.


  • Due to my vast experience, I can keep the time spent supporting your case to a minimum without compromising any issues.
  • And assure you that no other service can provide so much in return and at a fraction of the cost.   


Why not discuss matters relating to your application to the court, this could also help you save time and money and avoid further conflict, for example do you need to consider welfare concerns? and do you need help with court fees to make your application.


Press here for Customer  Testimonials

Trusted and successful with a proven track record, dedicated to helping you achieve your objective, guaranteed to keep your  costs as low as possible compared to other services with unique methods that consider you and your Children over profit


How to contact Chris Coutanche or team members

Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30 pm


Why not send a Email  to  

Please give some background to the issues and i will respond later today, do not forget to leave your telephone number.

Or send a Text message and request a call back to 07878 89 60 44


Unlike some support services, I will only consider your case if you have a realistic chance of success

I am here to give you assurances before you make any decisions, I will take time to understand the facts in great detail, as this will save you time and money, and help you achieve the best outcome. Unfortunately, not all services can be as honest, my role is to help you as your McKenzie friend, and this will be explained to you.                                 



Professional experience in court proceedings

I will be able to assist you whether you simply require some initial advice to discuss your concerns and how they might be best addressed, or where the urgent intervention of the court may be required.

Unlike some family court services and McKenzie friends I have assisted with some of the most complex cases in the family courts including public law and removal from jurisdiction issues in The High Court London

My recent commendation from a Judge in the Supreme Court in London confers the level of expert knowledge you will have access to with my support. My credentials and reputation have been exemplary and consistent over 20 years in the family courts support work

Help is available with individual pieces of advice on how to take a certain step in proceedings without the risk of missing something important, this will help you manage the overall process which in turn reduces the cost significantly compared to other services 



How I can help you with your case 


Perhaps you are in a dispute over welfare issues or how much time your child should spend with each parent?

Whether it is a divorce, separation, problems involving an ex-partner or gaining access to your children finding the answers to these situations and what your legal rights are can be tricky, to help you understand what your rights are, I will need to discuss the issues first, I suggest you send me a brief email and outline the problems, or you can contact me directly

I then can advise you on the various applications that can be made through the family law courts, and help you with the procedure and assist you in court 


  • Providing Legal guidance 
  • Helping Litigants In Person In Public And Private Law Matters In Court
  • Trained And Experienced In The Preparation Of Family Court Documents
  • In Unusual Cases, Right Of Audience Has Been Granted [see McKenzie Friend Guidance]
  • Expert Support With Testing Evidence, Your Questions, Final Hearings And Finding Of Fact


Going to court

You must consider mediation in most cases before going to court.

Mediation is not suitable in all cases of raised issues of domestic violence , and the best option will depend on individual circumstances. We should also remember that for some couples court is the right option, including when there is domestic abuse, intimidation or an imbalance of financial power


What if mediation fails

My support is unique in resolving matters before you consider making any applications to the courts,  this has proven to work in cases where mediation has broken down                               

  • I will give you honest views on how to approach matters to save you time 
  • You can benefit from my years of experience and extensive resources to ensure you get the outcome you deserve.
  • Are you thinking of going to court soon?
  • Do you need someone with you in court who is experienced in family law?
  • Or do you need pre-court support with your case



Testimonial from both parents matter families need fathers  

McKenzie friend Chris Coutanche is an expert in assisting in children and financial cases relating to divorce and separation, and has supported Parents and Grandparents in over 1900 hearings in family matters since 2004.  Chris is one of the most experienced McKenzie Friends in the UK, and has 30 years of background knowledge in children's matters and public law cases.  He is well known and well respected as a McKenzie Friend in the Family Law Courts, having a broad experience from Magistrate’s Courts through to the High Court and the Court of Appeal.  Using this experience, you can trust Chris to guide you through the court process, assist with court documentation, statements, and support you during court appearances.  In contact disputes Chris’ focus is firmly on the importance of both sides of the family having a proper input into the child’s upbringing, and he has a long history of successful outcomes in this regard.

A recent achievement in a high profile case published

Commendation from a Judge in the Supreme Court in London

One of my most recent successful cases was in the Supreme Court in London, this related to a parental alienation case and was made public for the press to report on.

The judge, in this case, commented in the appendix notes about my role and support and gave a commendation for my work and specifically on my conduct, preparation, and presentation of the case


Financial Arrangement Cases

Specialist support only no legal advice In Financial Matters After Separation Or Divorce.

There is often no simple answer to the division of matrimonial assets and negotiation and the court process must have regard to the law and in particular, will have regard to Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, which lays down the rules on how the courts shall deal with property and financial issues.


Financial Arrangements For Children And Schedule 1 Of The Children Act 1989

In cases where the court may retain jurisdiction to deal with child maintenance issues, for example in cases of high-income parents, or to meet the costs of education or disability. The CSA will only have a role in cases where the children are under 16 (subject to an adjustment period of a few months after they leave school) or under 19 if they are still in education. The courts have the power to make orders for the support of children who are aged 19 or above but still in education or suffering from a disability.

Lump sum orders to benefit children or young adults who are still in education or where other special circumstances apply, this provision can be useful where parents have not been married and therefore the divorce law cannot be used to ensure proper housing for children while they are still dependent.



why it's so important to you to have the right person in court with you

I have assisted parents and grandparents in private law proceedings for many years, providing you with the knowledge and guidance to achieve your objectives, I can support you through every aspect of the process.  With proven supportive strategies, coupled with the assurance of a host of satisfied parents that I have helped over many years, with a wealth of supportive references from established professional organisations and charities.

Negotiations prior are paramount importance in proceedings; barristers will usually support knowledgeable McKenzie Friends being involved, this will be advantageous to your case and can help to resolve matters smoothly as it can make these negotiations less confrontational.


More on why i do this work

I have extensive knowledge and experience of the family law system, and have established my reputation as a McKenzie Friend with court professionals over many years.  I have experienced some of the most complex cases relating to children and residence disputes ever in the family courts, including my own experience to fight for my daughters right to have both parents in her life.  


Finding of fact hearings

I have assisted in many cases where the court has requested a finding of fact hearing, this requires substantial experience when supporting a parent who is a Litigant in Person

I have developed strategies to help each individual case, with solutions that have been proven to work.


Cafcass and other experts

I can also advise you on all expert reports and recommendations from Cafcass and other professionals.

I will help you to successfully manage your dealings with authorities such as schools, social services, and the police.

I offer telephone support until 6 pm Monday to Friday and Email during daylight hours

  For more information on the service I provide, please click the following link 

 what I do

Please also visit the news and information pages - click the following link pages                                


For a free consultation to discuss your case please call

Chris Coutanche by email



 and I will contact you later today 

Please send some background information prior to calling.

Send via the contact box below or the email address in the header of the page

Or use the contact box below for free advice today, please also leave your telephone number.



I provide assistance and experience as opposed to legal advice and therefore we will not be responsible for any adverse decisions in your case resulting from my support or documents that I have helped you prepare or guidance is given to you. If you require advice as to the legal merits of your application or on what to say in statements and or applications, you should consult a solicitor, one that is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation 


0pen From 9 am to 6 pm Monday - Friday Or Leave An Email Out Of Hours


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